Daddy Issues


I find it amazing how much you can despise
looking at the mirror image of yourself.


How your heart can harbor so much
hidden resentment that some days
you find it impossible to look him in the eye.


Much less be in his company,
taking his hurtful treatment day in, day out.
His temper tantrums always seem directed at you,
and no matter what you know to be true,
you can't help feeling that it's your fault.


Somehow you deserve this because if it wasn't for you
he won't be stuck in this life.


You're the reason he is unhappy right?
Or at least that's what he makes you think
but beneath it all, you know better.

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no your not the reason he`s

no your not the reason he`s un happy

he has made wrong decisions in his life and is miserable over it

maybe looking for someone to blame   don`t you ever feel like that

ron parrish