Men of means who reap where they haven't sown

You witness them dance on carpeted platforms

Making merry after the windfall -

On that lucky month of

tantalizing tenders;

You, the alert-eyed, wide-eared,

Toil-bedecked man join them in celebration,

Ever the support voice and prisoner of

Their pompous promises, yet carrying

Burdens on your back, sacks of

Whirlwinds and whirlpools of wanton

Malfeasance, but like ants chorasing

Praise-songs to the mighty elephant

You exalt their profligacy with hollow songs,

You flatter them with boom-boom ensembles

Of drums and dance -

Calf-hide drums and blow-horns!

Ever the creative mind that reinvgoarate their spirit,

The nation's tongue kindled in laughter,

The hoe in the soil

Tembered with sweat,

the spirit of the sun alight

In the daylight darkness!




Then, they would speak of leading us to Cannaan

At the top of every tower, these sentinels of sleaze;

They think if they don't cream their unholy hands

With stolen butter

Their world would break through their teeth.




So they want spades rather than spoons to scoop sap

Of your perpetual naivety, for they wrench from the weak

What they haven't sown; and you don't make noise because,

You say, the air isn't save to grouse about the matter;

You amaze me too kindred, when you clap

Accolades of approval when small change

Reaches your palms. Fifty bucks're enough

To inflame your mad frenzy,

Melodies that opiate the mind

Surely brings false solace to the heart,

Gives falls undertones of content

Where there is horrifying hunger.




Men of means too, attend Holy Mass at the Holy Shrine of Jesus

As part of the christan congregation, patrons, sometimes

As VIPs assigned front seats or as church creme dela creme

Because they contribute handsome amounts of

Zaka and sadaka, generous in church harampees

[Even when the source is questonable]. One wonders:

Does God cleanse defiled bank notes at the altar?

Anyway the men of means would leave their marked

Zaka or sadaka in sealed envelopes, their names and addresses

Emblazoned on them, more seeds they plant for more

Effective prayers, as the magic maths for our maker's miracles

Dispenced in divinity to further fill their jars!




And how tricky ths could be, working for such

People ensconsed in paradoxes, hyped in hypocrisy

Impeached for impropriety[nothing passes unnoticed]

But you make a fence around them when

They're summond for abuse of office or loud

Their innocence when warrants of arrest

Fly home from the hague, we become very vague,

Bound together without intimacy, ethnicity in

Octane levels's a psychological bullet that would

Deal with screams of sceptical masses!




No romance nor honey today because we forget

To make love in the warm room of diversity.




Behold, the gilded bourgeousie would drive through

The iron gates with smiles on their faces -

Inflation-proof and powerful,

And us, the proletariat, who elect them

[Being acquaintances in pans of poison!]

Would remain in our home

At the bottom part of the pyramid.



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Sun Spirits

"...The spirit of the sun aight /In the daylight darkness.!..."
Marvelous and thought filled writing is here. I love your syntax and pacing, the grace infused vocabulary choices as background to hard ideas is mind provoking ~ Stella



meso's picture

oh Allet, you make my day

oh Allet, you make my day with your sweet comments. Thanks alot.
