I yawn on the pangs of want

I yawn on the pangs of want

He belches out the wind of constipation

My luck "If i were to afford two meals a day..."

He thinks about appetizers to line his belly

He has the neck of a Ram

I, a haggard, toil-bedecked man

Drive him and memsab around and his children

To and from their ivory-tower school

A clear contrast of two men building the anation

One, on deceitful hands, and another on his sweat.

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alright.... I've been so inspired to write to day... that I've replied everywhere it seems.

But, this is my last critique...

I love this

it's smart
it's double sided
and clearly showing witch side
is the

like a triple beam weight..
is there such a thing as a double beemed weight?

anyhow... you had this poem
thought you knew that answer


like that had anything to do with your poem.


Last Call on Poem Critiques..