
I could walk on the surface of the sun, and see where it all began, floating through space and time like nothing was there, only to fall into the oceans, reaching the bottom and sitting all alone with every soul listening to me, but even life is too much for man, hollow vessels that gamble with time until they give out and we float away.

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running_with_rabbits's picture

I feel like I am too happy to

ok this is very well written, however, I feel like I am too happy to read this right now and the fact that is is making me feel slight sorrow makes me not like it due to the happy being taken away. which is totally irrational and no reason to hold sorrow against the poem
so I am going to come back to it and see how I feel when I read it from a sad standpoint.

none-the-less keep posting, I look forward to seeing new stuff :)

Much Love


v2ourstyle's picture

I like this

I like this

-Miss. Miller

Merman's picture

Thanks! Your first stance you

Thanks! Your first stance you wrote is very catchy, i dig!