

    ...and a man on acid brings strength and truth and Val is just a figment of my imagination...?but now puregown sound full pure...even street LSD the accident this morning... never happened... can she hear me out there?? Somewhere on the astroplain? Oh somewhere on 3 bowls...? Is she in hte ceiling?? Somewhere cheek to mine whispering secrets somewhere of and on and again....????? unreal... acid physical mental x mind info flomocomotionon...Now and then again... as acid is smooth drip drip feelingssssss cocaine makes a mess, but just the same engulfed in mind changing sands deep bland CHEMISTRY PHYSICALITY pure groinnnning mantramantraaaaaA...on and on and if if one pattern, intimate thought change = brain function = pure large grain chemistry acid is an exchange of thoughts and space...such a potent uniMAGINABLY... it's all mind-alteration...somewhere out there in the space of nowhere OBLIVION IS EVERYWHERE...and oblivion is now...

in paranoid boiling each longilatitude...longilatitude-changing time arithmatic...sleep now...marijuana mellooow The questions to ask are the ones most broad and further reaching for what YOU think and what I think as isolated idea-creativity-thought-intellect machjine as ME, I, ME...physicality as real as an a scab in the wind...right HERE as in...never nowhere...but HERE!! except... always somewhere...exchanging seeds empregnationg, soil green and fertile breathing... right down to atims is after DNA... further still more elbow empty...oh sooooooo LITTLE microgen to create such a physical hub-bub- almost exchanging thoughts...without see?

you and me marijuana LSD ME DNA Cemen and out there...who think and see... as you see and sense and feel debris...

god...? some out-there force? Is not this me??

Is not htis me mantra breeze

colly weeeeeeeeed...

Because as you are in a story now, other things are bird chirps REAL and yet...outside of me...beyond body connected to me... beyond you as in YOU Identity...

But identity to ME? as I think? or as skin touches skin somewhere off debris food cancer other BEINGS Be. all I do is think, think, think, all day long...not like excercise...all long gone...3:18 am ground level...airline no more peaks? excepte still more peaks must meet...toboggan death must kiss chemicals grease monkey meat dna and school...sound belong?? nonsense if gone mad? or YOU as in another ONE TWO is that only One again  on and on

Your brain is merely inside out again...and LSD makes outside right again... heart rate pulse meter death scale war famine time scale evolution earth and heaven God and Bosanevan...?? no oneder?? words never end as energy and urgencies and pushes cosciousness and body maintainence... but TV screens and media screens and drama down the bubbler schemes other end of the lenz...

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