Sexism Today: Equal Rights, Not Special Rights!

The idea of sexism, most commonly referring to men toward women, has been a problem in our society for eons. It has caused riots, killings, and hatred. I am here to speak my own views about sexism. Unlike racism, I think, sexism is natural, in that men have always seen themselves as “better” than women, in every time period, in every species. This is due to Darwinism, in which the strong over-powers the weak. This applies because the male gender simply has more muscle mass, in general. It is a scientific fact of anatomy that many people today will not accept. In reviewing the points presented, no reason here has justified the idea of sexism, but merely explored its origins.

Sexism today is still a problem, whether people will admit it or not. It is a problem in the manner we try to eliminate it. This, in turn, only complicates the problem even more. Sexism today encompasses both genders, now, instead of just one. Many women are very discriminating toward men, due to their hatred of men’s weaknesses, their sexist views, especially. Women believe, in some cases, that this supports the idea of Feminism, but in actuality it contradicts it. Feminism is not the belief that women are better than men are, but that women are equal to men. For a woman to be sexist towards men is not only sexist, but also hypocritical. Which is worse: the fool, or the fool who follows them? Another common misconception of today is that women and men being treated equally means we all should be treated the same. This is absolutely absurd! Women and men should be treated equally, but not the same, because they are not the same! I think it is obvious how women and men are different. The true ideal of Feminism is that men and women should receive equal opportunities and respect. Pure and simple.

My point in this essay is to explain how our attempts to eliminate sexism has not been a success, but merely added to the problem, a problem that we are yet to recognize as a society. Sexism today has gone full-circle, discriminating against not only women, but men, too. Even the media adds to the problem. I have seen many commercials on the Tele, in which men are portrayed as complete idiots, and women as the sensible ones (Wendy’s, Circuit City, etc.). I have seen many girls in this very school of ours wearing T-shirts brutally and thoughtlessly demeaning and discriminating men: “Men are dogs, keep em on a leash”. If I were to wear a T-shirt that said, “Women are dogs, keep em on a leash,” I’d be shot before I left the house! The demeaning of men in today’s society of 2004 has turned into a way for women to “promote” their own gender. I say that to demean one gender is not to promote your own, but rather to lower yourself to the level of a bigot. In order to eliminate sexism truly from our society, we must respect both genders for their strength and beauty, and respect both because they are alive. We are beautiful living creatures, all of us, trying simply to find our own niche in this world.

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