The Hawk Watches

The Hawk watches.

I fight my battle alone.

He knows I'm the Cat

who will not return home.

He says,"Step follows step."

When I fall behind.

He says,"Hope follows courage."

When none can I find.

"Set your face toward danger."

And we see eye to eye.

"Set your heart on victory."

And I know I must try.

The Hawk still watches.

I fight my battle alone.

He knows I'm the Cat

who will not return home.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

In this poem, "the Cat" refers to a young princess named Meira Sparks who leaves her home planet and travels many light years to Earth to become a warrior. "the Hawk" is her mentor, also from her home planet, who takes the form of a young lad named Zepher Lee Hawk. As her mentor, he is not permited to help her in battle unless given strict order by his own commander. However, he continues to encourage her to do her best and never give up hope. For it is the way of their people.

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furgeson1's picture

Some of your works (maybe most?) are deliciously similar to mine...I love bird, cat, and 'secondary story' motifs/allegories. The inspiration you describe is somehow limiting, the poem is rich enough for anyone to interpret as they will, though enlightening to your methodology.