Dear Sir,


Dear Sir,

I want you to know

that last night I cried myself to sleep

I also hope you know

That you make me ill,

so ill, I cannot eat

I hope you know you're selfish

and arrogant

and unkind

I hope you know

you're fucking with my heart,

my soul,

my mind.

I hope that you don't know

Just how much time I've wasted

on your pretty face

and all of you

that I have loved

and hated.

So, Dear Sir,

I hope this finds you well.

No really, I do.

I hope it finds you

fucking swell.

Signed with love,

warm regards and wishes

- The one you tortured, then forgot

for other whores and bitches.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I'm pretty sure it speaks for itself or something.

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It's sad how many women know exactly how you feel =(