Scars run deeper than the surface.

Everyone judges the girl with the scars

while she holds her grudges and stares at the stars.

Could it be, that she lies to herself.

She always thought we'd never see,

everything that she tries not to be.

But I see the pain etched in her eyes.

Could it be? 

She's in discuise.

So peel back your mask,

tell no more lies, 

tell us scarred girl, 

what led to your demise?

Oh scarred girl, tell us the truth,

who came to you and stole your youth?

Poor fragile girl what did they do,

Was it just one or maybe even two?

Is this a large task?

Too much to ask?

Please tell me scarred girl, 

if you don't mind,

Who gave you the mask, which you hide behind.

Was it a stranger, a loved one perhaps?

What was the cause of your collapse?

Somebody hurt you, you built the wall.

Somebody needs you, when will it fall?


Author's Notes/Comments: 

This was a poem I wrote a few months ago about myself.

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wow this is so raw...

wow this is so raw... beautifully sad... and though it's autobiographical, it's very relatable.... your whole structure, syntax, and word choice make the feel of your work all the more organic and empathetic... I really did love it!