I am trying

Try harder, These are the words that I hear daily.

"Try harder", as if I'm not.

"Try harder, youre Asian right?", as if my race determines my determination.

"Just try harder", as if I hadn't cried enough  this morning for not "trying harder".

"Try harder", as if losing my thoughts were that easy to break away from..

"Try harder", as if everything I do isn't enough.

"Try harder", as if every little thing I do isn't on my mind.

"Try harder", as if I am not trying at all.

Of course, they don't know what I'm thinking.

Of course, they won't know.

Were all just human,

But I plead for you to understand from every living cell in my body.

I am trying

I am human

And I say again, I am trying.

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Don't Try

Do. I do it well and say "Great job!" Cool write.
