A Poet Lived Here

Do you know 'my friend'?

This is the very house,

A famous poet used to live in,

Like Gibran so different were his thoughts, so grand!


Right there he would sit and spread light,

Two beloveds used to accompany him,

One was the pen and the other being the paper,

He just loved to write.


Time didn’t have the courage,

To defeat his confidence and willpower,

So polite he was, so generous,

Wrote on and on fighting against his age.


Yes 'my friend' this is the street that was and is blessed,

With the touch of the poet’s feet,

Each time he would take a walk,

People used to look at him being marvelled and enchanted.


Handsome like Apollo was he,

Blessed with heavenly talent and charm,

Ever eager to help others,

May we see what he wanted all of us to see!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Dedicated to all the poets [dead or alive] in the world.

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