Can’t You Hear the Cry?

Can’t you hear the innocent cry of those,

Trapped beneath the wreckage?

For whom the watch seems to have stopped,

The dark core is killing them before they are literally dead.  


It is not Mother Nature’s taking revenge,

The effect of some people's greed, a reckless negligence,

Thinking about themselves alone,

Gone they are right after the misfortune.


Humanity is not dead yet,

The officials and the commoners are working during day and night,

Saving lives, upholding hopes, though a bit austere,

  Since the victims’ worlds will not be as they were before.


Some are part of history and others will have to divorce life, regular,

The event shall haunt them being a living nightmare,

Crying will be their sole companion,

Unless something outstanding for their welfare is done.


They are a part of the wheel runners of the country,  

We should not let others play with their destiny,

Each of their sweat drops should matter,

Please save those lives and let them dream of a future better.  

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem is dedicated to all the departed souls and also to those who are still trapped under the rubble of a nine-storey building, Rana Plaza, which collapsed at Savar, Bangladesh on 24-04-2013.

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