1. Curious [A genius is curious about anything]
2. An Avid Reader [He enjoys reading a lot]
3. Takes Mental Challenge [A genius learns about new things and enjoys debates]
4. Forgets Things [A genius forgets things sometimes and it does not mean that he is dull]
5. Talks to Himself [A genius likes to talk to himself sometimes and it does not mean that he is crazy]
6. Enjoys Intellectual Conversation [A genius enjoys intellectual conversation; he likes to share and receive ideas through such conversation]
7. Foolligent [Fool + Intelligent] [Though a genius is highly intelligent, sometimes he may behave foolishly]
8. Creative [A genius loves creativity; he likes to create new things]
9. Stays up at Night [A genius goes to sleep late at night]
10. Enjoys Loneliness [A genius is not unsocial; in fact, he enjoys his loneliness because he needs time to think intellectually and create something]
11. Scatterbrained [A genius thinks about many things and expands his horizons in this way]
12. Quick-learner [If a genius does not know the answer of anything, he searches for the answer immediately]
13. Enjoys Playing Logic, Word Games etc. [A genius likes to work on sudoku puzzles and does crossword puzzles]
14. Thinks Deeply about Anything [A genius knows that truth and knowledge are evolving ever; he searches for the ultimate truth about anything]
15. Respects and Values Everything [A genius respects and values everything because believes that he can have the opportunity to learn something from everything]