Once upon a faraway time
In a kingdom old as rhyme
There lived the daughter of a king
Of whose beauty the bards did sing.
She was the fairest in the land
And all the princes vied for her hand
But their attentions she did dismiss
Dreaming only of true love's kiss.
Also in that far-flung land
There lived a mage, a man
Dark of mind and dark of art
And yet with a romantic's heart.
And he, too, spent most of his days
Dying to see his true love's gaze.
By chance, one day, both she and he
Walked amidst a grove of trees
An unexpected meeting place
When she and he came face to face.
That instant, like a message from heav'n above
Both princess and mage knew it was true love.
Neither one needed to speak a word;
It seemed each other's thoughts they heard.
They walked hand in hand among the flowers
Feeling the touch of love's mystic powers
And at time to part, the mage searched for a token
To give the fair lady, to prove love's devotion
He picked a rose out of the best few
And with his magic changed its hue.
He gave to her the rose black as coal
With these words that touched her soul:
"With this rose I give to thee,
I give my heart for eternity."
So mage and princess continued this way,
Growing deeper in love with each passing day.
But one fateful day, the king did spy
The two lovers passing by.
Immediately he confronted them, and in a fit of rage,
He forbade his daughter from seeing the mage.
Broken hearted, she locked herself in her tower
Bringing nothing but the flower
That he'd given her the day they met
So that she would ne'er forget.
From that day, she would neither eat nor drink
She simply would sit in the tower and think
Of the mage who'd stolen her heart away,
Hoping she would see him again someday.
But one day, too soon, the maids raised a cry
Upon discovering that their dear princess had died.
She had wasted away, dreaming of her love
And now her soul was gone to heaven above.
And so, upon her funeral day,
All the mourners did give way
To the mage who'd loved her from the start,
Who had come to ease his broken heart.
He placed on her breast another rose black as coal,
Speaking words that rent his own tormented soul:
"With this rose I give to thee,
My heart will remain yours for all eternity."
Wow... that's all that comes to mind when I wrote this poem. I couldn't think of anything negative to say about it. The rythym is playful, a nice tone for a ballad. I can almost hear the fiddle in the background. Love is a dangerous topic to write because of how over done it is, but you've done it in a unique way, and included a great symbol, the black rose. This has to be among the best I've ever read, amateur and proffessional alike.