She's ready to go out for the evening
But for one problem:
What to wear?
She searches,
And finds in the closet
A coat:
Old, long unused,
But at the same time
New, chic,
Just the thing.
Add a new scarf
And boots with 2-inch heels
And suddenly she's a new woman.
At least, so she thinks.
She feels like now she's sophisticated,
Somebody people should take notice of.
So she goes out,
Hoping that things will be different,
And comes home,
Realizing that nothing was.
For underneath the cute coat and scarf
She's still the same old girl
Wearing her boyfriend's sweatshirt
And a well-worn pair of jeans.
And no matter how hard she tries,
she'll never be what she so wants to be:
Pretty, sophisticated, and admired.
Admirance isn't created by what you wear, it is created in how you interact with people. You're already beautiful, but you have to gain confidence, my love.