I met you and left you
With so much unsaid
Your image of ambiguity
Will flee not from my head
I gave you my name
And you declined yours
But your elusive mystique
Left open a thousand doors
And light flooded in
As it always prevails
While I flipped for heads
And you flipped for tails
You had a chance to begin anew
I had a chance just to begin
Seeking an end to the story of her and you
And an opportunity with you for mine to begin
These feelings, these notions
How ill-wrought and prematurely conceived
When I hadn't yet learned these devotions
Would later in dreams alone be believed.
These feelings, these fantasies
Had not yet my consciousness crossed
Before glimpsing my own soul in thine
So brittle and broken, so close to being lost
and your inpenetrable mystery-
Its discovery I'd seek at any cost.
Alone I now feel with no regard for time
Naught but its ticking away
Each moment falling further from sublime