Clear beautiful skies, covering up our nation.
Why couldn't we make it last?
I held you in my arms, swore I'd love you forever.
Why couldn't we make it last?
Tears flow down, hopes dashed, and we give up.
Why couldn't we make it last?
We lay down our life for love.
We lay down our love for life.
We lay it all down and compromise
our values for something worth nothing.
We try to turn the pages,
but we end up turning them way to fast.
And maybe it's impossible,
but all we really have to do is make it last.
You're a thousand miles away.
And I'm a thousand miles from heaven.
But even a thousand miles
is closer than the distance of a
heart gone bad.
And sometimes I look at the future,
and it doesn't even look as bright as the past.
We make suggestions, make up excuses,
but all we really have to do is make it last.
Breathe in the air, drink the fresh clean water,
why couldn't we make it last?
In the land of the free, the home of you and me.
why couldn't we make it last?
And you're on my mind,
if I could I'd be with you tonight.
Is there any way to make it last?
Pray to god above, pray that we don't give up.
Pray that we can make it last.