6 words,

6 letters,

today i'm hurt,

this love caused BITTER!

6 words,

6 letters,

i'm so LONELY,

alone i shiver!

LONELY is the word,

i'm so alone,

without you around,

i'm dead to bone!

why are you mad?

why are you gone???

all alone~

i read your words,


and i cry alone~

the things you wrote,

on my papers~

i memorized them all!

all alone,

against my face, wind had blown!

i miss you madly,

casue i love you badly,

why the hell are you gone:"(?

why the hell arent we together?

why am i alone:"(?

6 letters~

yes i'm ~*~

L  O  N  E  L  Y

6 words~

i wish to say:~*~


My dear, MY darling~

YOU made me

                    A  L  I  V  E  !

Today i'm lonely,

so please comeback.

without you near me,

i swear to you~ I CANT JUST~*~

                    S  U  R  V  I  V  E  !

Author's Notes/Comments: 

well, i guess he's mad at me, and i can do nothing about it, i dont know why or how, all i knopw is that everything had changed lately between us, andi wish things would get back to as they were,,, i really miss him.. even when he's there infront of me, i feel like... oh god, i know that i love him alot.. but~ well, i wish i could tell him.. i guess i'm just so afraid.. i do need encouragement.. alot of that indeed....
7/7/2005 -
11:43 am.

View free_spirit's Full Portfolio
Salma Hafez's picture

very nice words...conveys very strong feelings.

Michael Rose's picture

i like this seems to be story of my life right now thanks for the critique

Leah Hayes's picture

We need to be validated in love only when we are NOT loved by that person..Inside we know..but we cant let go..sigh...www.geocities.com/luscious_i_am/Alone.htm