Look at that young lady in the mirror in front of me
She's as beautiful as can be
Right now all dressed up for her favorite holiday
But still inside the pain doesn't go away
Can you see it I ask?
How this reflection is wearing a mask
Her eyes glissn' as I write
Trying to fight the tears with all her might
But still suprisingly she wears a smile on her face
I can see the case
How this other half in the mirror is becoming a reality
Now I must hide the real me
But it is only when I look really hard
at the reflection in front of me
That I see
How much the inside yearns to come out
Locked in a box where it screams and shouts
This girl in the mirror is such a mess
The way she acts like she's alright you swear she's an actress
I look at this reflection and all I do is cry
For no one see's or cares what is on the inside of her and I don't know why
This poem is breath-takingly beautiful and You have found a way out. Embrace Your writing and let no one tear it down. You will find that it is a true window to Your soul.
breanna shaylee
Breanna Shaylee