Those Glasses

There he is, approaching his 80’s. As always, with his green, bright, curious eyes, covered by his big, thick glasses. Those eyes that have seen too much, those eyes that have learned a lot, but never enough.  Maybe, my grandfather’s glasses are a tool, but they are also, his long-life learning partners. Acquiring knowledge has always been his passion. No matter what, he loves to learn. It could be history, physics, medicine, architecture or anything. No matter when or where, every time I talk with him, he has something to say, and something to teach me about life.  I remember him working tireless with his glasses; designing houses, making models, drawing, and creating; he’s always full of ideas and he loves making them come alive. Through those glasses he has seen the best of life and the beauty of the world; the best places, landscapes and scenarios. With those glasses, he has recorded, some of his best memories in watercolors, paintings and drawings to never forget. Those glasses made him admire an attractive girl; those glasses made him discover love through her eyes. That girl, beautiful in appearance at first, became his long life best friend, wife, and mother of his children. Oh, those glasses brought him joy, as he saw the kids grow up. And the glasses accompanied him, through the best years of his life, always working hard for the ones he loves; for his wife and four children, who suddenly adults became.  Time went by, really fast, and the new generation arrived. Now I’m here, I’ve grown up, and I’ve learned from his example.  Every time I look through his glasses I realize I have someone to follow, and I have someone to believe. He’s my grandpa, the father of my father, taking a smile out of me. Every night, he takes off his glasses, kisses that pretty mature lady called his wife, as he for five decades has done. Then, he closes his eyes and thinks about yesterday, he remembers today, falls asleep, and dreams as he has always done, he dreams about tomorrow, about all those truths that are still out there to discover. Maybe he has aged. Maybe his youth strength dissipated through the years. I know he’s old, but he’s never tired, he’s always full of life and enthusiastic. He is my grandfather and I admire him, as no one else does.  (402 words)


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How fortunate you are to have

How fortunate you are to have such a loving and intriguing role model in your grandfather.