Island escape

Respect to the admirer of love and clarity


You're on the raft that drifts toward it


You must release the oar you use to slow down


It's only scary because it's new


 But if you let go you'll see


You are free


You are a power


Power is you


You will move from heart


You will sing the truth


Be consumed 


Sucked into


Pure waters


It's you who must choose


To lose what you cling to


And by mans law himself


Proceed to love and gratitude


To move in unison with rested hands


To spill all your ills


See them get soaked into the sand


Evaporated from the suns intense heat


Purified and rained upon the heads of all


And join one another in inherent communion


                                You've lost the island and have found a shore, you're raft is what now detours


Walk away until it is but a speck, Move in peace, no regrets. 


Your power prevails in midst of ails


Send them to love, and be still







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Finest of Fine Lines

 It is you who must choose to lose what you cling to/send them to love and be still/move in peace, no regreats/it is scary only because it is new - I adore these lines, the glue of the core of the write - Island poems are nice - land as the thing to move toward - enjoyed this one, the 3-4 between lines spaces were annoying, my computer is so slow I forgot what was above and in the middle when I got to the end and had to re-read six times to get it all - time lost and unnecessary. Great poem though, Madigan - allets 



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Thanks, Allets. I fixed that

Thanks, Allets. I fixed that annoyance, don't remember why I did that. Maybe because I was annoyed haha.