The whole world doesn't evolve around you
A funny phrase when I hear it because all my thoughts are dealing with myself
Be it, what should I do, or say, Or where will I go today
When conflict arises it is I who reflects upon my actions
Maybe the world doesn't revolve around you
But your world does
You can't better the world if you don't better yourself
Because you're just as much part of this world as anyone else
In truth you are the world
When you strip away the lies and subconscious gestures that direct your bones
It's all in a space that unifies even unity
It's indescribable but the lack you are feeling is only denial of such peace
.... Don't know
And I think it's necessary
Maybe we have to go through hell to get to heaven
Maybe lies and deceit is a means to peace
Perhaps I rattle in my own skin so one day I can understand
God see's you
In other words
You see you
The only phrase in the bible that ever stuck out to me is "Be still and know I am God"
I'm not a christian man
And sure, I think the message Jesus spoke of has been obscured over the years
But that phrase remains untouched and if you sit and listen to it grow in your heart
Than I think you'll come to find that you knew it from the start