I'm just not happy....

I'm just not happy

Perhaps you can relate

Moving with no emotion, stepping upon glass plates

Ascending a particular way lest you step anew and discover a foreign taste

A masquerade is what  life really seems

As glimpses of vastness recede

more and more by day

The core is so very vain


Shadows of misery flow in like the waters

As my tendencies conjure up torture concurrently it tries to slaughter

Energy depleted from the rain I try to make go away

Calling to God that seems has lost my name

I feel nothing but shame for feeling this way

More and more by day


Can hope be woven in a person that's chosen

To dwell in insecurity and mere model posing

This shell is not worthy to even taste the light

It feels so limited and it's sickening when something in me finds delight

I see you and I shy back into the cave I was born

can hope be woven


I don't seek anymore 

Someday's I feel abandoned

destined to struggle upon this island 

I'm stranded

A hand reaches for me but I smack it 

My S.O.S. eroded by the waves and I don't bother to recreate the message

Impulsive it seems

to shrug any help given to me


My heart skips a beat when winter comes around

It's coldness is the only thing that hits home


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nightlight1220's picture

It wreaks of a searching

It wreaks of a searching phase for 'more'...of which in life, there really is not 'more'. Very genuine and has heart.

...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


Mardigan's picture

That's the best comment I've

That's the best comment I've ever read...There isnt more....there's a sense of relief in that sentence. Thank you.