You might read this.

You think you know

but you don't think about how you know

You contradict the truth to be funny 

Sarcasm is best left to the pros

I don't say this to provoke you

Only to show


You see show means reveal

Perhaps you should go

It bothers you, you feel stupefied


My conscience is tested in this battlefield

The boundaries become blurred

Each time you cross yours


It is bound to come around

I shall not lift a finger

This boggles your mind?


Don't linger too long

You might finally see

Once you do you can't unsee


Knowledge brings sorrow

The more you aquire 

The heavier the weight


You get mad when I lecture you

Then I shall not

You get mad when I say nothing


Your rules are psychotic

of this you are aware

I won't mind you if you don't stare


Your tongue knows blood each time that you speak

I know you don't know the repercussions 


Don't worry, I'll be okay

My intuition comes from on High


My words are drifting away now

Their power fades


Soon there will be no answer

But I haven't gone away


The silence disturbs you?

Be not alarmed


How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood? 



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This poem resembles a

This poem resembles a conversation, or parts of a conversation, overheard across a distance---like a busy restaurant floor, a cashier lane in a department store, or the subway's middle car at rush hour.  But, whatever it may represent, I like it very much, and was very impressed as I read it.

Starwardist [fk