Story Idea

Story Idea

Chapter 1/One


I suppose that successful people look at the rest of us like we’re complete pieces of shit. Can you imagine having a plan, being dedicated to that plan and having the work ethic and focus required to accomplish it? You wouldn’t have time to empathize with the lazy or incapable. Brief moments of gratitude for our labour and others of complete disdain would be the extremes of what is largely an indifferent approach to the average.  


Each time you return as a new person (to whatever degree decided upon)… we are a collection of our experiences and perspectives change. 80’s high wasted jeans, large framed glasses and shapeless sweatshirts were always worn to look cool; I just didn’t know it in the late 80’s and I disagree with it in the late 2010’s. Just because I didn’t know it was going on in the 80’s doesn’t mean that it wasn’t. It means that I was unable to observe the frequency. I cant imagine what else I do not know.


Perhaps the bible wasn’t written by six authors just one bad one.

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Biblical Joke

Brave. :)