Nothing yet. Though I would listen to arguments otherwise, I have always felt that if you are in a situation where you must carry one slightly too heavy grocery bag you are much better served to have a second for balance. Similarly, books can serve a purpose and, in cases of extreme need or gluttony, catching someone praying isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The alternative, of course, is switching hands though this requires a certain level of self-awareness.
“Do you ever wish you had another bag?” The man with the groceries neither understood me nor spoke anything besides Tagalog. “And to you Sir.”
Assuming that 2016 is beyond me, my goal for 2017 is to leave it with a solid understand of what exactly a mammal is and a working definition of an adverb. I sometimes find 2016 a hard enough concept to grasp.
“Do you think squirrels are mammals?”
“What the fuck you talking about man?”
I explained that I was not certain but very hopeful.
An older man in faded blue dress pants looked up the street.
“Nothing yet?”
He shook his head.
I worry that knowing what a mammal is will only confuse the matter. For instance, I would describe this bus stop as slightly cleaner than perfectly standard, its route’s extents bordered by mid-century brownstones.... If I were to leave it there, and with the benefits and limitations of time and space, my mind’ eye attempts to paint a fall college campus from the information at hand; memories of broken men, black guys in steal toed boots and Filipino grocery bags morph into beautiful young women in lettered jackets; they walk in pairs through my head, books in hand, each pulling their own unique hair colour from my favorite changing leaves. I guess what I am saying is that with definition comes expectation; be you a mammal or a brownstone, whales and the Huxtables have lied to us. The alternative, of course, is likely crippling addiction and very real poverty.