I Don't Know You

I Don't Know You

You are my friend.

You are in my short list.

I feel your emotions.

I know your things.

I made my conclusions about you and me.

I always be there, you won't be here.

It is fair, this memory can't be erase.

Your secrets are mine.

My secrets are in the graveyard.

I don't need you near.

Perhaps this is fine.

I can predict you.

You can't say the same thing.

I just see your eyes, they tell your life.

Can you do that?

Maybe not, maybe I am right.

I don't know you, but that is good.

You don't want to know me,

and this is the end of our story.

Dear friend, I am your friend.

I don't want you as my enemy.

That will be a nightmare.

The question is "For you, or for me?".

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Nobody can know for sure a person. We just can have an idea.

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itsmesowhatofit's picture

How profound and WARM. I know sometimes, it may feel that a guy isnt there when he should be, chin up! The right man for you is right in front of you and you never knew it! By the way, I went to half my freshman year at Southwestern in 1986, the year you were born, LOL! I hope life brings you your knight in shining armor, you are a great writer, keep it up!

Gunther Herzog's picture

This reminded me of a song by Rush....

Song Title: Entre Nous
Band: Rush
Album: Permanent Waves

We are secrets to each other
Each one's life a novel
No-one else has read.
Even joined in bonds of love,
We're linked to one another
By such slender threads.

We are planets to each other,
Drifting in our orbits
To a brief eclipse.
Each of us a world apart,
Alone and yet together,
Like two passing ships.

Chorus Just between us,
I think it's time for us to recognize
The differences we sometimes fear to show.
Just between us,
I think it's time for us to realize
The spaces in between
Leave room for you and I to grow.

We are strangers to each other,
Full of sliding panels,
An illusion show.
Acting well-rehearsed routines
Or playing from the heart?
It's hard for one to know.


We are islands to each other,
Building hopeful bridges
On a troubled sea.
Some are burned or swept away,
Some we would not choose,
But we're not always free.

Lyrics courtesy of rocklyrix.com

Shaketa Copelin's picture

This was tight! I enjoyed reading...