I don't want nothing.

this world is full of bad and good things.

Things I see and feel, and other things that I don't.

Well, I don't want nothing, nothing at all.

I don't want peace, I don't want wars.

I don't want friends, I don't want to be alone.

I don't want to live, but  still I don't want to die.

I don't want to lose, I don't want to win.

I don't want pain, I don't want joy.

There is a point in life, that you start to think what you have done.

There is another point where you don't think at all.

I don't want this life, and I don't want another one.

I don't want to fight, I don't want to get along.

I don't want nothing, nothing at all.

I don't want my family, I don't want the tragedies.

I don't want rights. I don't want obligations.

I don't want to laugh. I don't want to cry.

There is nothing I want.

Bad things come with the good ones.

I am saying this cause somebody ask me.

This is my answer, not wrong or right.

I don't want silence, I don't want noises.

I don't want to go to heaven. I don't want to go to hell.

I don't want to know more, I don't want to stay unknown.

I don't want to help, and I don't want to be help.

This things are needed in this world, or should I say life?.

Doesn't matter if I don't want them or not.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

It is what I feel like sometimes. Not a big deal.

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Alexis M's picture

Nice, my little friend, real nice. I like it. NOW READ MINE! (I'm just playing)

Karyn Indursky's picture

This poem really shows what the human psyche is. It's a perfect display of how none of want this, but we want it in some way, too. Maybe, it's that most of us don't realize what we really want or don't want to admit to it. I think it's a mixture and your poem certainly supports it. Great write.

Tim / manatee Marshall's picture

I'M quoting Roger Waters of pink floyd,WHAT GOD WANT'S
GOD GETS GOD HELP US ALL,i think it is fitting for your poem,LOOK just zig zag in and out use the good and store it away discard the bad / crazy i'm glad you teaked my poem,you're very pretty but (Cancer) will never believe it
so good luck

Athalia Lystra's picture

As i read this the only word/thought that came to my mind was 'dilemma.'
I am very impressed by this.
In a way i saw it as horrifying, the fact that everything seemed so insignificant, but i understand. I think the idea of writing something like this is beautiful, for at any given time, we all feel each of those things whether we want to or not.

Jenny Pearson's picture

Wow. I like this. It's really very good. You contradict, but you cover everything. It's an interesting way to see things. I know how that is, though, you just get to a point sometimes when nothings matters, you don't care and you don't want to feel you just want things to BE and you don't want to have to choose. This is really good.

Elisia's picture

Es super bueno. Me encantَ. Uno de los mejores que has escrito, te felicito. En ingles escribes excelente y con rima. Nunca he escrito en ingles y menos se rimarlo, pero admiro tu habilidad. Sigue asi