How a spirit breaks

From the start,

I never gave him my heart,
So why do I feel so broken apart? 
He must have snuck and stole, 
My spirit or my soul, 
How can one take such a thing as a soul? 
I'll tell you so you won't fall into this hole, 
At first they build you up,
Just so they can tear you down, 
To the ground, 
Slowly then they take away, 
Everything you have to say, 
You no longer are your own person,
Instead you become their own extension, 
And that is how one can take,
Your spirit and make it break, 
Value yourself enough, 
Be tough, 
Don't fall for such a trap,
And don't let people steal your laugh.
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sometimes you just fall,you

sometimes you just fall,you never know it till it`s to late

ron parrish