Dear Lover

Dear Distant Lover and Friend,

When I reflect on the times we've spent over these last few months. I don't think you see me as much of anything. But, maybe just another fling or slut.

Tonight, I have come to a reality of our "friendship" or whatever you may want to call it. At times I thought things were good and finally going somewhere. But, now I know it was just false hope and denial. A facade to protect my fragile image of myself.

Maybe, I am being cynical or harsh on myself. Because I have come to this conclusion of us. But, I know you do not see me with the same eyes as I see you.

Why is that I ask myself?

The truth is that I don't know and it is something you have decided within yourself. Which is very much respected and acknowledged by me.

It's too bad I will never get to know you on that level of deep human connection between a man and a woman. For I know we would of reached it's highest potential.

These words make me sad as I write them to you. My once hopeful lover. I have my memories of good times and intimate moments forever sketched on my map of life.

But, now I must distance myself from the one who capture's my body and spirit. To prevent myself from further hurt and humiliation.

As I end this letter...

My soul and entire being wants to hide in the shadow of my pen and pad.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Reality is sometimes the hardest thing to grasp. Especially when it is right in front of your face.

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Jere''s picture

Tremendously powerful!

Ozjan Yeshar's picture

A very deep feelings in here. Feeling of anger and guilt. I wish you overcome - We always have the courage to live through our experiences no matter what the consequences are. Simply, we were made to face disappointment because we all the heart of poets. Cheers.


deborah's picture

It sounds like the cyber world of "poets" has overwhelmed you my friend. Perhaps you will write the reality of your situation in a biography, exposing the many men who pose as poets to literally seduce women through internet connections? It's a possibility, and perhaps it could prevent others from experiencing these depreciating and self destructive feelings. Thank you for posting such a sad and heartless situation.