
My thoughts


Admiral Norrington, a fictitious character

from Pirates of the Caribbean, was known for his

relentless pursuit of ridding piracy.


It overshadowed what he really wanted,

the woman of his dreams.

The woman he loved,

and she didn't love him in return.


But it was a statement

he made to her,

about how she looked even at Jack:


"It’s a curious thing. There was a time when

I would have given anything for you

to look like that while thinking about me."

And how many times could men

share the same words with women

they know?

To feel as if there

is no possibilty of be even

thought of in that way.

To never see a woman glow,

and just look at you,

as they look at other men.

It is quite sad, really.

No man wants to be

Admiral James Norrington


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God! That poem made feel so

God! That poem made feel so sad! 


...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "