A Conversational Piece


A conversation arose,

like many I have been a part of

I sincerely agreed with the speaker.


"A man who looks like that,

devotes all of his time and energy into

looking like that. He is determined and thinks

highly of himself."


So goes the thought of working out

for the majority of free time.


What do you get out of it?

What is the underlying reason behind it?


Great you have an 8 pack,

toned out of your mind,

what is this going to do for you?


Sure it might help you getting laid,

maybe it might land you a woman,

who bases your entire character

on the sole aspect that you're ripped.


Maybe staying in shape

is a hobby then?

What else do you do?


If you work forty hours a week,

that means the rest of your

life is in the gym.


Where is the homebody?

Where is the significant other?

Maybe you don't have time for either one.


With all the work and time put into this,

the body you work so hard to keep

will eventually die.


The time spent and wasted

all to show the rest

the public,

that you only care about

your body. You.


Way to go.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

Not aimed at everyone, but still.

The insanity of it all.

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nightlight1220's picture

Have to laugh...nice write!

Have to laugh...nice write!

...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "