After some time,
you would think I could
get back to normalcy.
To get back on the horse
once fallen off.
Which is where I like to be.
But issues arise and have arrived
that were unwelcome.
I made mistakes,
alot of them,
and I tried to move on
and I still want to get past this.
But there were obstacles objecting
to me moving forward.
Words spewed in hatred or resentment,
trying to keep me in my state.
My friends not knowing who
to beleive,
not knowing the truth,
until some time had passed.
I lived with this tormented state
of entrapment,
and libal.
My name dragged through the mud,
run over,
and beaten bloody.
My image shattered,
some of which was my own
fault granted,
but not to this extent.
But I was patient in
this burden,
I waited for despair to leave.
The tactful art piece,
that villain that was artiscally painted
was not me,
it was you.