I think I have been here before,
I have probably already written
something close to this,
maybe it was this.
All I know is
it seems to be a constant
problem to me.
Noone else seems
to notice it,
afterall, it is me.
There seems to be boundaries
that I was unaware of.
The touch of a woman
on my skin again.
Not even in a romantic
sort fo way,
but to just have contact,
seems unlikely.
From a hand shake,
to a high five,
a greeting hug,
or one when
we say goodbye.
Seems so common to everyone,
most go without noticing,
unless you're the one left out.
It becomes something more,
an exaggeration I guess,
but to one who doesn't
receive, it would mean more.
So why do I feel left out?
When in the group, I am
the only one never touched.
I feel like the leper,
who can never be touched,
but if someone does,
the awkwardness arises.
Almost like they are forced to,
which in that case,
I would prefer being the leper.