Snake Skins


Sometimes I tire,
not of my life,
but of me.

Things I see in myself,
that require to be shed.

It's not easy.
Sometimes it's a struggle
to loosen the old you.

I sense I have already
cut some of the traits out of me.

The person I once was,
the way I acted,

I knew that I had

to remove the unwanted traits in me.

It's not because it is
undesirable things that
others see.

It's my actions and my
wanting to change the way
I act towards others.

I want to cut away the skin,
the dead and bitter side
of myself.

I have cut so many away,
hopefully, this loosened skin
may show my true nature.

I have to be willing to remove
the skins to show the
beauty that hides underneath.

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You've slowly showing that

You've slowly showing that beauty, and it shines brighter every day <3