You robbed me of it, don't you know?
You took it all away.
For I was just a child
you plundered me that day.
A secret kept, an untold, untold,
a part played for the crowd.
How could they know,
my family?
I hid below a cloud.
This is a " special" kind of love,
the kind that mothers dread.
All these years, still kept alive.
Guilt(?) swims about my head.
I wonder if you think about
the ugliness you've made.
When you make love to your wife
does that same cloud form over you head?
When you kiss your son goodnight
and keep up the facade,
do memories creep in your head
as you are caught off guard?
I know you have a problem now.
You try to block it out.
But when the hangover kicks in,
I bet them voices shout.
You really do not know me now
although you kid yourself.
YOU really should NOW set it free
don't leave it on the shelf.
Control is such a bitter thing,
it tears you up inside.
You don't still have it over me
and I no longer hide.
This poem doe's what it sets out to do ,however as you know in reality ,there is no forgetting ,no turning back and no forgivness-Love William xx
Where is this guy..I shall scratch hs forehead.Babydoll you do not have much to worry aboutI seen your pictureAll the Young Men out there will gather like sheep.
I am The Alleycat~>
Being molested myself, and knowing many many people who have been, as well, this poem really touched me. It's good to know that you can get over the cloud that hangs over your head after something like that happens to you. Well articulated, Andrea.
tight poem
Thanks for the kind words
Thanks for the kind words Todd
I have only just registered with that site and have posted a few poems already. I recognised your username although I haven't spent much time as yet perusing the poetry on there. I look forward to reading some of yours and again many thanks for taking time out to crit my poem, I know it was a tough one and people have shyed away from it.
Andrea, that's a very nice write.. thanks for sharing.. Control is a horrible thing that's for sure... It can't exist... Life is so out of control...I don't know how we could ever expect to get control over it...OddlyEnuf
I see you're in the UK...Have you ever checked out The administrator is Steve he is also from the UK...I am a moderator there...
This is a powerful poem. I really like it. It paints a beautiful picture, even though it is of pain. Good write.