It is not in being born, by which we live.
Nor in passing away, by which we die.
But by the steps we start to take, or never do;
By the desire and compassion we have until it we lose.
For it appears that we do not get the choice to be born.
And every humans last breathe is part of an impact that carries on.
We become what we are.
Some names have never lived,
And some people have never died.
have come back to life.
I'd like to say i've lived and never died.
But if nothing else i'd settle for eternal life.
That the record skipped but song played on forever.
That it is music to ears even if they do not know better.
We may all go to what they call heaven, but
Earth is the only thing we can make more or less perfect.
It is not in being born, by which we live.
Nor in passing away, which we die.