will i be more
than a background chirp in your heaven?
will i be more
than an occasional thought in your forever?
am i only
to be an extra,
a cameo in your timeless classic?
to be a wallflower
cause unclear, i've never made it
and you know i never will cause
i would take that role,
without question,
though I feel so small -
having sensed no soulmate,
most of my eternity.
so here i am, there i was,
will evermore i always live on?
set to wander
between the pages
of the ones whose photos
fill all of my album's
tiniest spaces.
my soul's landscape
is a windblown ghost town
littered with thoughts of hearts -
what do i mean to you?,
what does that mean for me?
show me
what does it mean,
having marched into this
shelter-stripping gust
from eternity?
here memories
and emotional links
blow around me like tumble weeds,
and from your lush, deserving,
ridge-protected oasis
can you hear a distant bird singing
a longing,
can you see a sparrow dust-laden
beyond your sunbirds?
painted buntings?
will i be more
than a background chirp in your heaven?
will i be more
than an occasional thought in your forever?
am i only
to be an extra,
a cameo in your timeless classic?
a dot in a cyclical migration?
i will be what's expected,
but will i be more
than a background chirp in your heaven?
as the song goes:
another brick in the wall
i'll be such shelter,
if you need it -
that one where you rarely have to go,
though i need more.