

I swear I saw you coming a mile away

Like some ancient forbidden prophesy

And I ran from you like the coward I am

Denying that you were my destiny

I swear you could see into my eyes

Every dark secret I thought was safe

Looking through what I thought I could hide

I guess that's why I ran away

I knew the truth but I refused

To believe what was standing infront of me

Guilt is all I feel because

I knew that I had fallen in love

Stability was what I needed then

Security is what you gave me instead

All I could see were clips of the past

I hope this explains why I ran like that

I swear I didn't mean to push you away

Or treat you less than you deserved to be

I lost all thought and sanity

The same way I lost my destiny

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written September 28, 2004

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