So Quiet

it's so desperately quiet
soon I'll be lost in your moments never to return again
you're not the world
you're not my world

I can only handle being so small
dont want to think that i could fall through the cracks
its too far from who i thought i was

i dont believe in anything much more than this feeling
dont feel like theres anything much more i could find
i believed in another time, in another time

how can it be so desperately silent
all the time i spent putting noise in plastic cups,
where have i left those words

wasnt i once a bird like you were
we were going to fly above it all to another world
ive only ever dreamed about you

suddenly im losing color
i dont know who we are anymore

im just so desperateley quiet
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Incompl's picture

Great write

"We were going to fly above it all to another world" amazing line. Reminds me of dreams you have with a significant other.

Let your teeth show

Lumilenore's picture

Thank you!

i love hearing what meaning people find in my words