



Within its throat 

A songbird chokes up a somber note 

While perched high upon a dying bough  

Beneath a winter morning cloak 


 Under a heavy heart 

And heavy wings 

 By nature  its given as its charge 

A dirge to sing 


Far from the falsetto of its awakening cheer 

Trilling at my window it would often appear 


In deep dejection and reluctantly 

It chooses its song in D minor key 

The saddest key of them all to me 


And with a thump! 

Dead it falls  to the ground 

Of all its songs come early morning round 

Perhaps, this is to me the saddest sound. 

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Thanks Dylan that means a lot

9inety's picture

I hear you

and as I read your words I felt the saddest sounds as if I heard them too

one word explains my elucidation "profound"

keep writing



"One of the best results of life, is the torment of love"

Dylan Eliot