
Susan Bressman

My Portfolio
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More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

A person who messed up in so many ways and trying to make a turn-around and all seems up hill. Don't get me wrong I'm not completely evil but sure made my share of the mistakes and wrong choices. I just want peace and love to return to my family and working on starting with myself.
Everything I post on here are my own works and covered by personal copyright laws

About My Navel

My navel? Well it's there. I tried to train it to whistle, you know like the ones on tv, but it just sits there on my tummy silent as can be.

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

Do unto others, that saying is so true...just ask me I'm reaping my rewards
I love to write my thoughts down but now they all seem to be on the same daughter.
I love to cook, sew and quilt. I'm reading the Bible again and trying to slow down, really read and study what it says more than just saying "I read the Bible."
One has to crawl before they can walk...I'm just learning to roll over


Member for
12 years 19 weeks