Your Shadow!

Your shadow within you is one of a kind.

An image a reflection of you that can't be un-tied.

Not knowing that the lessons of life are at your side.

Then from time to time the shadow subsides.

you know '" like the sun goes down and your shadow isn't there.

On the other hand; the only one person who knows every little detail about you.

From the way you walk, talk , or comb your hair or the extra fifteen minutes in the bathroom when they need to get in there.

Yet your shadow doesn't complain when it's late at night and you take that extra time for something sexy to curve the appetite.

He knows your apart of him , just as you know he's apart of you.

So ladies keep him close, men keep her closer ,

because you never know when their's going to be an Eclipse.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

humor mood on this poem..

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