Naive Childhood

Remember when you were young?
The only thing that you wanted to do was have fun.
To run through the warmth of the sun.
Remember when you thought your parents would stay together forever?
Remember when there was no such thing as divorce?
When your parents didn't shout or use force?
Remember when you would say, "We'll be friends forever."
But it only lasted a day.
When you thought death would take nothing away.
Remember how we used to play?
Those memories have been traded in for a 9 to 5 work day.
Remember when you were young?
How often you used to have fun?
Now, you realize that reality has just begun.
Not every day in your life will be fun.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

My parents are divorced and they can't stand to be in the same room togther. This is just a reflection of all the things I thought when I was little and how when you get older you realize that there is pain. I miss believing that there is no such thing as divorce. Too many familys have been destroyed because of it. Hold on to those memories that make you happy.

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Seraphim's picture

Very sad, and a good write.

Very sad, and a good write. I think you speak for a lot of people with divorced parents. I enjoyed reading this...

Post Tenebras Spero Lucem

LoveMe93's picture


I enjoy reading your poems as well.

LoveMe93's picture

Thank you

Thank you for your lovely comment.