the stars and the moon

There are things

written across the sky

put there long ago by Greek gods


telling stories of love


heroes  and wars


The sky tells us that time

time is endless


Because the stars we see today

hidden away by the clouds from factories and plans

from the glare of man made lights


The stars we see today have been there

sense the first man walked across this earth

and the first kiss was ever made


The stars keep us aligned

they are what i believe brought me to you

because the fire balls of light in the sky and our fate are intertwined


AND If the moon can move the waves of our oceans

to and from the shore

Then im sure that if you are ever lost from me


the stars will bring you home.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

ahh so rusty

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allets's picture

The fault is in our stars,

The fault is in our stars, The Bard said - the ancient Greek's navigated by them, or was that the Phoenicians? Anyroad, nice star motif and the ending made me go, "Awwwwww....." Nice post - write on! - Lady A