

You say you've only ever felt disappointment because of me,
And for that, i'm truly sorry,
I try to do the best of my ability,
Though it's hard because of all my insecurities,
You say i should be more like other's, 'cause they're so 'perfect',
But even if i were them, i'd still be a reject,
There're a lot of things you want me to sort out, there's a huge list,
But that's only because you're a perfectionist,
I know you mean well, but a little appreciation would be nice,
Like telling me you're proud of me, to be precise,
I know it's hard having a husband who's schizophrenic,
Especially when everyone's calling him a lunatic,
And you're only harsh to me so I can be successful,
And you want my life to be meaningful,
I understand that your life was quite rough,
And that's why you act so tough,
You don't want me to fail,
But think about every fairytale,
They may fail at first, but along the way comes success,
But you treating me like this will have the opposite effect,
But above all of this,
The main reason is,
You don't want people to think that as a mother,
You're a failure
Author's Notes/Comments: 

Not that good, but i really needed to get this off my chest :/

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iwonderwho's picture

Your mom sounds a lot like my

Your mom sounds a lot like my mom. i hear you, appreciation and love at times would be nice.

lovelife123's picture

Yeah, i know she does love me

Yeah, i know she does love me and cares for me, but for her to actually say it every once in a while would be nice

"Everybody is a genuis. But if you judge a fish on it's ability to climb a tree, it will live it's whole life believing that it is stupid"
Albert Einstein

GOHIL48's picture

thats too good.. and heart

thats too good.. and heart touching

Brokenstone's picture

I really liked it and I kinda

I really liked it and I kinda know how that feels. Thanks for sharing.

lovelife123's picture

Thank you :)

Thank you :)

"Everybody is a genuis. But if you judge a fish on it's ability to climb a tree, it will live it's whole life believing that it is stupid"
Albert Einstein

allets's picture

The Message

Poetry as diary. Interesting perspective. After 15, for females, mother's don't have a lot of input. The world is smarter and faster than mom or dad, sorry about the emotional illness, but at 50 or 60 mom's mellow out and nothing bothers them much, hormonal withdrawal and post menapausal - she's proud of you, and a mother's love is infinite - Look at it this way, she is an excellent mentor, when you're a mom, you can do it differently because you know the wrong way to raise an adult- that's how millionaires are created - kickin' the "box" to the curb and watchin' it shatter. ~~A~~



lovelife123's picture

Thank you :) my mums like 37

Thank you :) my mums like 37 nowhere near 50 yet but thank you for the advice :)

"Everybody is a genuis. But if you judge a fish on it's ability to climb a tree, it will live it's whole life believing that it is stupid"
Albert Einstein