A Starving Orphan

A starving orphan on the corner of the street,
Near the bins is where he sleeps,
Trying to survive, all alone in the world,
Which can be a horrible place, from what I've heard,
Begging from people who couldn't care less,
Because 'its not their life thats in a mess',
He watches other children laughing and playing,
As he's sat there praying,
Praying to God for Him to help in some way,
And praying that it'll happen soon some day,
Although he hasn't got much,
He's not one to complain as such,
He prays for nothing more than a family who care,
He's not asking to become a millionaire,
People passing by don't even give the boy a glance,
How will he ever stand a chance? 
But he's been on the streets from the age of five,
And as he got older, he's learnt to survive,
He tried to live as decent a life as he could,
But the difficulties he was going through were misunderstood,
He tried getting a job,
But the employers would reject him and act like snobs,
So he started stealing food to eat,
And late at night, it's drug dealers he would meet,
Always getting into a fight,
And running from the police day and night,
He, now, sees the world as a harsh and vicious place,
But only because his bad memories are something he can't erase,
Memories of being mugged by a load of thugs,
Starving himself to sleep,
And having no one there for him when he weeps,
It's something no one should have to go through,
But it happens, and not to just a few,
And now this 'little orphan boy',
Uses people like they're toys, 
He distances himself and trusts no one,
That's why he's always carrying a gun,
But would he have been like this if someone had taken him in?
It's a lot for someone to do but just give it a think,
Maybe just talking to him as a child would have been enough,
To change his way of thinking so his life wasn't so tough,
Maybe all it took was a few kind words,
To change his whole view on the world.

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allets's picture

Street Urchins




eyes wide

street wise

looking for his

next mark.


school was for

chumps, home

an idea that

never happened

without bruises

and curses.


beauty under dirty

face and torn

scavaged clothing

waits for the lady

in nice shoes

to come near

enough to hear

her piteous

and long practiced,






GOHIL48's picture

amazing poem :) loved it!

amazing poem :) loved it!

lovelife123's picture

Thank you :)

Thank you :)

"Everybody is a genuis. But if you judge a fish on it's ability to climb a tree, it will live it's whole life believing that it is stupid"
Albert Einstein