Am I A Bad Person?

How can you tell which path is right,

When they both have sunlight,

When they both have clear skies,

When you know one path is in disguise?


I chose the wrong path.

Does that make me unwise?

How do you know which path to choose,

When you're told if you choose the wrong one, you'll lose?

When you know you won't be given any clues.

and it's probably going to end in bad news.


What do you do when you pick the wrong one,

And end up hurting everyone?

Does that make me a bad person?

'Cause I didn't intend on hurting anyone.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I was going through my old poetry book and found this Smile

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Tallulah's picture


unless you are clairvoyant or have a crystal ball, there isn't always a way to know just have to trust your instincts and pray you made the right choice. If not, make the best of it.

KindredSpirit's picture

I like your write here

Everyone does not see the same.

Satisfaction can be....

An unsatisfying ......  game.