Gracefull laughter with tearfull downfalls {Revised 06/28/2k23}


Laughter is a form of grace

Upon any happy face

A tear, is just downfall

Left to view for one and all

No matter which you chose to show

Others will truly never know

What feeling dwells inside

If you only ever run and hide

So sob when your heart is broken

Weep with true love unspoken

But giggle when the time is right

When friends joke and play fight

Your feelings are meant to be shared

Not to be hidden, don’t be scared

Of what others will believe if you show

The truth is a matter of how well they know

Because you can't live hidden, walled within

Lest  you revisit the loony bin

So laugh, so cry, do all that you can

It is the way it is, and since it began





Laughter is a form of grace

upon a happy face

a tear is just another downfall

seen by one and all

but no matter which one you show

nobody can ever know

what true feeling dwells inside

if all you do is run and hide

so cry when your heart is broken

and cry when true love goes unspoken

but also laugh when the time is right

laugh when your friends play fight

because emotion is meant to be shared

never to be hidden never scared

of what another will think if it shows

because that's the way life goes

you can't live if you hide it all within

unless u want to end up in a loony bin

so laugh and cry all you can

because that the way life has been since it all began

Author's Notes/Comments: 

"never hide your emotions theres not enough time in life to hide something like that...if u love someone tell them if u hate someone tell them but never hide it ...because if you do you might miss something that coulfd have made your life that much better" {Original}


I hid so much back then, I know I would tell anyone about what was happening in my life, but I rarely was honest with myself about how I felt. I think around this time I was learning and pulling away from who I was expected to be. 

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nightlight1220's picture

Amen! .....



...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


chris's picture

I absolutly agree with this, most people I know dont laugh enough, and I know this one girl that doesnt cry b/c people are around...its really weird but thats why i love her =)

whisper aka well u kno's picture is the longest thing u do theres no way it can be too short

Nero's picture

To long of a tital for my liking...haha...just poem but some of your poems contrdict eachother.