Kiss my eyelids, lie me down
Like snow layered upon cold hard ground
Let my soul waver in the breeze
With fallen leaves through branching trees
Shedding no tears that I am gone
Like the sun before the dawn
Leave this body to its rest
With no heart beating in cavitied chest
For my life's goodbye will mean nothing more
Than an end to mistakes made before
It will mean new beginnings to those I wronged
Apologies sent, post haste, to whom they belong
Shed not a tear, at my being gone
It is not my will, but rights the foregone
And I know many will care not at my end
but still to them my heart I send
kiss my eyelids and lay me down
like a layer of snow on the cold hard ground
let my soul drift in the breeze
like the fallen leaves through the trees
but shed no tears that i am gone
like the sun before the dawn
and leave my body to rest
with no hurt beating in my chest
for my life's goodbye will mean nothing more
than an end to the mistakes i made before
it will mean a new beginning to those I wronged
and my apologies will be sent to whom they belong
so please shed no tears at my being gone
it is not my will but rights the foregone
and i know many will care not at my end
but still to them my heart i send
THIS is my favorite one so
THIS is my favorite one so far.. wow...needs editing but you captured such a healthy and positive outlook and essence here, my dear. Am loving your work.
...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."
"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "
Don't say no ones ever gonna read this. Some ppl just don't feel like commenting. I always read your stuff. And this is good but kinda depressive...well for me.